Patagonia is one of the most popular manufacturers of outdoor gear including sweaters, jackets backpacks, hip waders, and just about everything you might need for your outdoor excursions. Despite a relatively high price tag compared with their competitors, people rave about Patagonia and many repeat customers highly recommend their stuff. So is Patagonia really worth it?
While a lifetime guarantee doesn’t seem all that novel these days, Patagonia provides a no-frills service. It’s pretty simple and makes the higher purchase price palatable. But a lifetime warranty is not the only thing that makes Patagonia worth it, they offer recycling program for Patagonia products! This is not offered by many companies and is part of Patagonia’s effort to protect the planet. They offer a mail in service of just drop off your old Patagonia gear at your nearest retail store and you can be part of their company mission. Also, most Patagonia products are made with either eco-friendly or recycled materials, so you when you buy Patagonia you can feel good about helping the planet!
While their lifetime guarantee and recycling program are top notch, they might not be enough for some people to get past some of the prices (bandanas and socks come in at $25 and waders at $750). To continue with their mission to protect the planet, Patagonia gives 1% every year to grassroot non-profits.
With Patagonia, you’re not just buying outdoor gear, you’re buying a brand, nay, the identity of an outdoorsman (or woman). So, yes, Patagonia is worth it. Their lifetime warranty, recycling program, non-profit donations, and identity as one of the world’s leading outdoor wear and environmentalist companies should do the trick.
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Is Patagonia Worth It?
Oh yeah, Patagonia is worth it. While their prices place them at the top end of the market for quality outdoor gear, they give customers many reasons to choose them over their competitors. For starters, Patagonia offers a lifetime guarantee on their products; they offer recycling services; and they give 1% of their sales to non-profits every year.While a lifetime guarantee doesn’t seem all that novel these days, Patagonia provides a no-frills service. It’s pretty simple and makes the higher purchase price palatable. But a lifetime warranty is not the only thing that makes Patagonia worth it, they offer recycling program for Patagonia products! This is not offered by many companies and is part of Patagonia’s effort to protect the planet. They offer a mail in service of just drop off your old Patagonia gear at your nearest retail store and you can be part of their company mission. Also, most Patagonia products are made with either eco-friendly or recycled materials, so you when you buy Patagonia you can feel good about helping the planet!
While their lifetime guarantee and recycling program are top notch, they might not be enough for some people to get past some of the prices (bandanas and socks come in at $25 and waders at $750). To continue with their mission to protect the planet, Patagonia gives 1% every year to grassroot non-profits.
With Patagonia, you’re not just buying outdoor gear, you’re buying a brand, nay, the identity of an outdoorsman (or woman). So, yes, Patagonia is worth it. Their lifetime warranty, recycling program, non-profit donations, and identity as one of the world’s leading outdoor wear and environmentalist companies should do the trick.
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